Travel notice: Last day of shipping Feb 10th, shipping will resume Feb 19th — Enjoy tea!
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A rare find in an aged oolong that has sweet notes of peach and raisin combined with mellow old wood tones. A treasure.
Notes of peach, raisin, and antique wood.
This tea was recently discovered on a day trip to Ping Lin, a suburb of Taipei which is known for its growth and production of this particular oolong tea. The trip was originally to make new farmer connections for the coming Spring, but a farmer we met had an aged oolong from 2008 that was delightful. This tea was selected specifically for aging, and it has mellowed beautifully while still maintaining the peachy, floral notes.
Bao Zhong tea has a different appearance from many of the other Taiwanese Oolong teas in that its processing utilizes a twisting of the tea leaf instead of a tight semi-ball rolled style of tea production. This tea processing is similar to that of the Wuyi Oolong production of Fujian Province in China.
This tea was named due to creators use of sealing the tea between two sheets of paper to resemble an envelope. Bao Zhong roughly translates to mean “wrapped kind tea.” This Taiwanese Bao Zhong comes from the Wen Shan region of Northern Taiwan which has been the traditional home of Bao Zhong production in Taiwan.
Brew the first infusion with 190 degree water for 2 minutes.